
Application Instructions: NIH Clinical Center Department of Bioethics Fellowship Program

The Department of Bioethics welcomes applications for those interested in a two year bioethics fellowship. Fellowship selection is competitive and will take into account evidence of academic achievements, analytic thinking, an expressed interest in bioethics, and the ability to contribute to bioethics scholarship. No previous bioethics experience is required.

Applications for post-doctoral fellowships are due at 12 midnight EST on December 31; applications for pre-doctoral fellowships are due at 12 midnight EST on January 15. Only applications that are complete and submitted by the due date will be considered.

Before you begin, you may want to review the FAQs.

Browser compatibility

PC Users: Use of Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher is recommended for best performance and compatibility.

MAC Users: Use of Safari 5.1 or higher is recommended for best performance and compatibility.

Eligibility Criteria

Non-US Citizens

Post baccalaureate fellows

  1. Completion of undergraduate degree no more than 3 years prior to start of the fellowship.
  2. For candidates with masters degrees, completion of masters no more than 6 months prior to start of the fellowship.

Post-doctoral fellows

  1. Completed or expected to complete graduate degree (MD, JD, PhD or other in related field) prior to start of fellowship.
  2. Completion of graduate degree no more than 5 years prior to the fellowship;


  1. Please include current contact information for three references.
  2. Each reference must have a different email address.
  3. An email request for a recommendation letter will be sent directly to them once Send Reference Request button is clicked.
  4. Reference letters must be received on or before the due date and are a required part of a complete application. Please make sure your recommenders are aware of the deadline.


  1. Attachments are accepted in pdf format only.
  2. Attachment names must be unique.

Statement Of Interest

Please upload a statement of interest of up to 1000 words. It should include a discussion of why you are interested in bioethics, potential topics you might want to investigate while here, how the fellowship fits into your career goals, and anything about you or your unique perspective that we should consider in reviewing applications.


Include education, relevant research experience, scientific publications, honors and awards, etc.

Writing samples

Please upload no more than three writing samples totaling approximately 30 or fewer pages. Writing samples do not have to be published papers. We prefer papers on which you are the sole author or – where that is not possible – the first author. We want to see how you express ideas in writing, defend or present an argument, and analyze problems.

Graduate and Undergraduate Transcripts

Please upload copies of your transcript(s). An official transcript will be required if you are offered a fellowship. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for applications.

Submitting your application

“Submit” will complete your application. You can only submit once you have completed all required fields and contacted your references through the online system.

If you need to edit a submitted application, simply log back into the system, edit your information, and hit “submit” again. Provided that it is prior to the submission deadline the system will update any edits or additions.

You can check whether your references have submitted their letters by logging back into the system at any time.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all of the information you submit is correct. Providing false or inaccurate information may be grounds for denying your candidacy or removing you from the program.

Paperwork Reduction Act

NIH, Project Clearance Branch,
6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974,
Bethesda, MD 20892-7974,
ATTN: PRA (0925-xxxx).
Do not return the completed form to this address.